From closures and cancellations to layoffs and other dramatic shifts in operations, we know that local nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses are all feeling the impact of the COVID crisis. As you work to best serve your customers, clients, employees, and other stakeholders during these difficult times, we want to assist you in finding information and resources that can help.
Since we know that navigating state and federal resources can be a complicated process, we have identified local experts who can provide guidance to point you in the right direction:
Nonprofit agencies
Contact Dan Wheat, community investment officer at Fremont Area Community Foundation: dwheat@facommunityfoundation.org or 231.766.1210
Businesses with 50 employees or fewer
Contact Don Farmer, independent consultant retained by the Community Foundation: farmer.d.w@comcast.net or 231.928.9155
Businesses with more than 50 employees
Contact Julie Burrell, Newaygo County business development coordinator, The Right Place: burrellj@rightplace.org or 231.335.1985
We have also compiled a list of helpful resources below. This list will continue to evolve as more information becomes available. You should consult your business advisors—attorneys, accountants, investment advisors, and bankers—to make the best decisions for the current and future viability of your organization.
- US Chamber of Commerce launched the “Save Small Business Fund” on April 20 to provide $5,000 grants to as many small employers as possible. To apply, you must run a small business or chamber of commerce with between 3-20 employees and be located in an economically vulnerable community. For more information or to apply, visit www.savesmallbusiness.com.
- Michigan’s Work Share program allows employers to keep their employees working with reduced hours, while employees collect partial unemployment benefits to make up a portion of the lost wages. With Work Share, you can maintain operational productivity and hang on to your skilled workers. Contact Jonathan Eppley at Michigan Works at jeppley@miworkswc.org or 231.349.4144.