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It’s true what they say: people make the place.
How can I help you?
- Career opportunities with the Community Foundation
Lisa Bougher
Payroll and Benefits Manager
How can I help you?
- Donor services
- Donor engagement for geographic affiliate community foundations (Lake, Mecosta, and Osceola counties)
- Professional advisors
- Funding opportunities catalog
Katie Boven
Philanthropic Services Officer
Ronda Brandt
Accounting Associate
How can I help you?
- Donor services
- Agency endowment funds
- Designated funds
- Funding opportunities catalog
Rose Brannigan
Philanthropic Services Associate
How can I help you?
- Grantmaking software/online grant application
- Grant contracts
- Grant payments
Vonda Carr
Regional Grants Officer
How can I help you?
- Scholarships and post-secondary education
- Technology and IT security
Robin Cowles
Senior Scholarship and Technology Officer
How can I help you?
- Administrative support for Shelly Kasprzycki and Board of Trustees
- Community Foundation policies
Lauren Crawford
Executive Assistant
How can I help you?
- Geographic affiliate community foundations (Lake, Mecosta, and Osceola counties)
- Grants, trusteeship, and administration
- Youth Advisory Council (MCYAC & OYAC)
Sarah Dixon
Affiliate Foundation Manager
How can I help you?
- Marketing and communications
- Public relations and media inquiries
Ashley Folkema
Senior Communications Officer
Kaitlyn Goguen
How can I help you?
- Amazing X Charitable Trust
- Grants, donor services/engagement, governance, community partnerships, and strategic planning
- Bridging Generations Fund
- Grants, donor services/engagement, governance, community partnerships, and strategic planning
- Impact investing, including small business loans
- Youth Advisory Committee
Maria Gonzalez
Senior Director
How can I help you?
- Community partnerships
- Donor services or donor engagement
- Housing initiative
Lindsay Hager
Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer
How can I help you?
- Compliance and regulatory filings
- Financial reports
- Fund statements
Renee Hanshue
How can I help you?
- Education initiative and grantmaking
- District library grantmaking
- Funding for school trips
- Funding for summer camps
Lola Harmon-Ramsey
Director of Impact and Engagement
How can I help you?
- Grant management for affiliate foundations and supporting organizations
- Administrative support for supporting organizations
- Administrative support for geographic affiliate community foundations
Shelly Henderson
Regional Associate
How can I help you?
- Overall direction and strategic framework
- Community relationships
- Governance and leadership
Shelly Kasprzycki
President and CEO
How can I help you?
- Donor services
- Establishing new endowment funds
- Including the Community Foundation in your estate plan
- Professional advisors
- Our Next 75 donor group
Wes Miller
Director of Philanthropic Services
How can I help you?
- Community and economic development initiative and grantmaking
- Natural resources grantmaking
- Ice Mountain Environmental Stewardship Fund
Greg Poches
Community Investment Officer
How can I help you?
- Financial reporting
- Investments
- Compliance and regulatory filings
Kathy Pope
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
How can I help you?
- Gift processing
- Database management
- Building and grounds
- Kickstart to Career Newaygo County student account balances inquiries
Lindsey Slater
Finance and Office Manager
How can I help you?
- Initiatives and grantmaking
- Poverty reduction initiative and grantmaking
- Kickstart to Career Newaygo County
Jenna Smalligan
Director of Community Investment
Becky VanHaften
How can I help you?
- Marketing and communications
- Public relations and media inquiries
- Youth Advisory Committee
Patti Wheater
Senior Communications Officer