We are home to over 700 funds because of our generous community.

Thanks to the generosity of countless individuals, families, businesses, and organizations over the decades, the Community Foundation is home to over 700 funds. We are honored to serve as the steward of these gifts and impact our community for generations to come.

To hear how our donors are putting their passions to work and making lasting change, read our Community Stories.

A full list of funds is below. Please note that funds are sorted by the geographic area primarily impacted by each fund.


Agricultural Scholarship Fund
Agriculture Fund
Arboretum Poetry Fund
Arts Center for Newaygo County Fund
Arts Center for Newaygo County Flexible Fund
Jud and Evie Afman Scholarship Fund
American Red Cross Fund
Anderson Brydges Children and Family Health Fund
Anderson Brydges Children and Family Fund
The ARC/Newaygo County Fund
ARCA Advised Fund
Dwight Austin for the Dogwood Center for the Performing Arts Fund
Baldwin Family Health Care Fund
Bellwether Harbor Fund
Bethany Christian Services Fund
Bieberle Pathways to Self-Sufficiency Fund
Billerbeck Family Fund
Virginia Bingle Fund
Donald J. Bont Fund
Breuker Family Fund
Jerry and June Britt Fund
Kenneth and Pauline Bull Environmental Fund
Vincent W. Bunker Fund
Jack and Mary Butterick Scholarship Fund
Jack and Mary Butterick Scholarship #2 Fund
Christopher R. Caris Memorial Fund
Charles Chandler and Dianne Taylor Woods and Waters Fund
Jeff Clark and Lori Tubbergen Clark Fund
Community Foundation Scholarship Fund
Community Foundation Staff Advised Fund
Foster Grandparent/Senior Companion Programs Fund
Elizabeth “Libby” Austin Cherin Advised Fund
NCCS–Center for Non-Profit Housing Fund
Career and College Access Endowment Fund
Jeff Collaer Nursing Scholarship Fund
Community Endowment Fund
Richard and Maxine Conley Fund
Barbara Cook and Chris Cook Fund
Lois C. Cox Fund
Disability Connection West Michigan Fund
Disability Connection West Michigan Flexible Fund
Maynard and Lavina DeKryger Health Care Fund
Lou Deleguardia Fund for Children’s Recreational Activities
Wil Deleguardia Fine Arts Scholarship Fund
Ruth A. Dell Fund
Michael DeMars Medical School Scholarship Fund
Lee and Nancy Deters Family Scholarship Fund
T.R. and Bonnie Deur St. Bartholomew Church, Newaygo Poor Fund
T.R. and Bonnie Deur St. Bartholomew Church, Newaygo Scholarship Fund
Megan Dill Memorial Scholarship Fund
District Health Department #10 Community Health Improvement Fund
Mildred, Tom, and Reathel Dodge Fund
Dodge Scholarship Fund
Richard and Carol Dunning Agricultural Scholarship Fund
Eagle Fund
William H. and Edna G. Edbrooke Fund
Donald J. Eib Memorial Fund
Every Woman’s Place Endowment Fund
Frances O. Fahrer Fund
Don and Sue Farmer Family Fund
Dana Marie Fetterley Memorial Fund
Arthur J. Frens Lifeline Fund
Carl H. Frost for Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Fund
Robert and Elsie Geeting Educational Fund
Robert and Elsie Geeting Fund
Charles O. Gerber Fund
Dan and Dorothy Gerber Fund
Frank Gerber Fund
Gussie M. Gerber Fund
J. Andrew and Mattie A. Gerber Memorial Fund
Marion and Charles Gerber Fund
Gerber Foundation 4-H Fund
Gerber Foundation Health Care Fund
Newaygo County Human Services Fund
Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Fund
Continu-Care of Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Fund
Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Oncology Department Fund
Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Tamarac Project Fund
Paul & Jackie Greer Scholarship Fund
Habitat for Humanity Fund
Hair Station Scholarship Fund
Michael Hamm Fund for Hunger Prevention
Michael Hamm Fund for White River Longbeards
Mariel Rose Hawley Scholarship Fund
Floyd & Betty Lou Head for the Dogwood Center Fund
Head Family Fund
Floyd and Betty Lou Head Unrestricted Fund
Girl Scouts of Michigan Pine and Dunes Council Fund
Claude J. Hendrie Charitable Fund
Heritage Museum of Newaygo County Fund
Hertel Family Scholarship Fund
Janene Hogancamp Memorial Graphic Arts Fund
Homeless Prevention & Emergency Services Fund
Hope 101 Ministry Fund
Hospice of Newaygo County Fund
Garry and Shirley Host Fund
Jason Houghtaling Memorial Fund
Huntington Banks 4-H/Agricultural Fund
Huntington Bank Fund
Healthy Youth and Seniors Fund
Eva Houseman Special Education Endowment Fund
Ice Mountain Environmental Stewardship Delayed Fund
Ice Mountain Environmental Stewardship Endowed Fund
Insight Pregnancy Services Fund
Jeff Jahr Charitable Fund
Les and Jeanne Janes Fund
James and Leona Johnson Memorial Fund
Joan L. Johnson Richards Scholarship Fund
Ted and Nancy Johnson for the Dogwood Center for the Performing Arts Fund
Earle L. Johnson Fund
NCCA Gail Johnston Memorial Scholarship for Visual Fine Arts Fund
Keith Johnston Memorial Fund
Joining Forces Child Care Initiative Fund
Robert and Gail Johnston for the Support of Newaygo County Council for the Arts Fund
Harold Kalsbeek Family Fund
Garred and Shelly Kasprzycki Fund
Kent City Schools Alumni Scholarship Fund
Cathy and Larry Kissinger Fund
James W. Kraley Fund
Roy and Marie Laisure Fund for Recycling
Dorsey and Sally Leckrone Family Scholarship Fund
Leadership in Newaygo County Fund
Nancy and Peter Lindner Fund
LionHeart Productions Fund
Ron Lovasz Fund for Natural Resources and Animal Welfare
Love In the Name of Christ—Newaygo County Fund
Craig and Sharon Luchies Fund for Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial
Craig and Sharon Luchies Scholarship Fund
Menette Mankin Fund
Trooper Kevin Marshall Memorial Scholarship Fund
Laura Jean Masters Fund
Maynard W. Mathers Career-Tech Center Endowment Fund
Nellie McCarty Fund
Evelyn D. McCormick Charitable Fund
William and Colleen Mee Fund
Merrill Advised Fund
Michigan Beekeepers Association Fund
Microloan Fund
Mighty Lube Systematic Lubrication and OPCO Lubrication Scholarship Fund
Dora Mikolich Fund
Newaygo County MSU Extension Fund
Michigan Vegetable Council Fund
Michigan Vegetable Council Flexible Fund
Mudget-Harmon-Ramsey Fund
Helen Myers Memorial Scholarship Fund
Natural Resources Fund
Newaygo County 4-H Special Riding Program-HRH/PEP Fund
Newaygo County Agricultural Fair Fund
Newaygo County Autism Fund
Newaygo County Council for the Arts Fund
Newaygo County Commission on Aging Fund
NCCA Ray Jansma Scholarship for Visual Fine Arts Fund
NCCA Mike McDonnell/Bessie Slautterback Fund
TrueNorth Community Services Fund
NCCS Camp Newaygo of NCCS Designated Fund
Newaygo County Community Services Designated Fund
Newaygo County Compassion Home Fund
Newaygo County Economic Development Fund
Newaygo County Great Start Fund
Newaygo County Human Services Fund
Newaygo County Humane Society Fund
Newaygo County Prevention for Child Abuse & Neglect Fund
Newaygo County Area Promise Opportunity Endowment Fund
Newaygo County Promise Opportunity Fund
Newaygo County Road Commission Scholarship Fund
Newaygo Medical Care Facility Fund
Oak Grove Fund
Neva M. Orr Fund
Doyon and Vyvyan Pollock Fund
Brenda G. Price Scholarship Fund
Orville Leonard Price Fund
Wanda Mary Price Fund
Project Literacy Fund
Providence Christian High School Endowment Fund
John and Ailene Pugno Community Fund for Love Inc
John and Ailene Pugno Environmental Fund
Mary Rangel Hipolito Fund for Migrant Families
Jane Reath Scholarship Fund
David and Lynne Robinson Community Fund
Lynne Robinson Fund for Newaygo County Museum and Heritage Center
Tim and Peggy Rossler Fund for Early Literacy
Marian Rumsey for Newaygo County Community Services Fund
Mikhail and Emily Salacina Scholarship Fund
Duwayne and Jean Schuler Fund
Robert and Betty Shurmur Fund for Town & Country Path
Sibley Scholarship Fund
Dorothy and Beatrice Sibley Elderly Needs Fund
Dorothy M. Sibley Fund
Tyler Patrick Slaughter Memorial Scholarship Fund
Stage Door Players Fund
S.T.E.M. Education Fund
Stuart and Kay Stone Fund
St. Michael School Fund
Stanley H. Stroven Charitable Fund
Russell and Marian Strait Fund
John and Lorraine Suerth Fund
Betty Taylor Memorial Fund
Hilda S. Taylor and Agnes Thelma Taylor Fund
Thomas Jr. and Charlene TenBrink Scholarship Fund
Nicole Marion Tilley Fund
Jack and Rosemary Tittle Fund
Town & Country Path Endowment Fund
Town & Country Path Fund
Clare and Elaine Tubbergen Family Advised Fund
Vanderwier Fund
Hank & Connie Vanderwier Charitable Fund
Gordon and Diana Velderman Fund
Bert and Alice Vermeulen Fund
Herm and Gen Veurink Fund
Volunteer Resource Center Fund
Warm Family Fund
Wellspring Adult Day Services Fund
Charles O. White Fund
Milo A. White Jr. Fund
Charles and Marilee Whitman Fund for Boy Scout Troop 1139 and Cub Scout Pack 4139
Josephine Wilbur Fund
Harry S. Williams Fund
Women and Girls Fund
Women’s Information Service, Inc. Fund
Youth Endowment Fund
Rob and Marva Zeldenrust Ag Leadership Development Fund
Wesley L. and David J. Zerlaut Memorial Fund for St. Michael Church
LeRoy Zimmerman Charitable Fund
LeRoy Zimmerman Fund


Andy W. Anderson III Memorial Fund
Ark Christian Child Care Center Fund
Jerry and Jane Arends Scholarship Fund
Cedric Lynair Ashcroft Scholarship Fund
Henderika Ashcroft Memorial Fund
Dorothy A. Austin Fund
Cameron Beattie Scholarship Fund
Eddie Bell Scholarship Fund
Nicholas and Pauline Boeskool Memorial Scholarship Fund
Margaret C. Branstrom Memorial Arboretum Fund
William Branstrom City Park Fund
Jason and Kristin Brookhouse Donor Advised Fund
Jim and Karen Brouckman Scholarship Fund
Jim and Karen Brouckman Skilled Trades Scholarship Fund
Liz Bullock Fund
Byrne Hope Scholarship Fund
Larry Chrystler Fund
Church of the Living Christ Endowment Fund
City of Fremont Fund
City of Fremont Capital Improvement Fund
City of Fremont Public Art Fund
John and Jane Corrado Scholarship Fund
Richard A. and Phyllis J. Crandell Memorial Fund
Chase Curtice Scholarship Fund
Charles and Melanie DeKryger Family Donor Advised Fund
Charles and Melanie DeKryger Family Scholarship Fund
Carl and Bettie DeKuiper Fund
Michael and Sylvia DeKuiper Advised Fund
Ronald & Edythe DeKuiper Fund
Ronald & Edythe DeKuiper Scholarship Fund
Marion A. DeKuiper Library Fund
Pam Derks Scholarship Fund
Lee and Nancy Deters Family Fund
Louis and Beverly Deur Fund for Fremont Christian School
Louis and Beverly Deur Fund for Second Christian Reformed Church
Durkee Music Scholarship Fund
Ray and Susie Dykman for Fremont Christian Schools Fund
Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist – Fremont Fund
Erber Family Fund
Erber Family Fund for First Congregational Church of Fremont
First Congregational Church UCC of Fremont Fund
First Christian Reformed Church of Fremont Fund
First Christian Reformed Church of Fremont Anna Ryerson Benevolent Fund
First Christian Reformed Church of Fremont Flexible Fund
First Reformed Church Fund
Fremont Area District Library Fund
Fremont Area District Library Flexible Fund
Fremont Beautification Fund
Fremont Christian Schools Fund
Fremont High School Chapter of National Honor Society Scholarship Fund
Fremont Music Boosters Fund
Fremont Public Schools Fund
Fremont Public Schools Athletic Endowment Fund
Fremont Public Schools–Charles Gerber Fund
Fremont Public Schools–Donald VanderWerp Fund
Fremont Public Schools Education Association Scholarship Fund
Fremont Public Schools–Gussie Gerber Fund
Fremont Public Schools–Jason Horvath Memorial Fund
Fremont Public Schools–Louisa and Charles Gerber Fund
Fremont Public Schools–Margaret Sweet Memorial Fund
Fremont Regional Digester Community Advisory Council Scholarship Fund
Fremont United Methodist Church Fund
Arthur J. and Geraldyne L. Frens Fund
Friendship City Fund
Carl H. Frost for the Fremont Area District Library Fund
Daniel F. and Virginia H. Gerber for FADL Fund
Dan and Dorothy Gerber for Fremont Area District Library Fund
Gorsky Family Fund
Loretta Gorsky Memorial for Fremont Area District Library Fund
Lindsay and Vonda Hager Fund
Hamilton Scholarship Fund
Max and Arletta Hamilton Fund for SINE
Clare & Pearl Harnden Fund
Floyd N. and Betty Lou Head and Family Fund
Susan L. Head Memorial Fund
Heger Vissia Soccer Coaches Scholarship Fund
Chad Hickman Legacy Fund
Jeff Hoffman Memorial Fund
Mark Houston Scholarship Fund
Carolyn and Mike Hummel Fund
Robert and Susanne Jordan Fund
Karnemaat Family Scholarship Fund
Karsten Family Fund
Neil Keller Fund
Francine L. Kimmel Memorial Fund
James E. King Fund for Fremont Area District Library
James and Jamie King Scholarship Fund
John Kingsnorth Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ben J. Landheer Family Advised Educational Fund
David and Pamela Landheer Advised Fund
William B. Leaver Scholarship Fund
Patricia J. Lovasz Fund for All Saints Catholic Church Building and Grounds
Ron and Patricia Lovasz Fund
Craig and Sharon Luchies Fund for Fremont Christian Schools
Randy and Beth McDonald Fund
William and Margaret McKinley Fund
Lou and Paula Meeuwenberg Fund
Wesley R and Melissa Sue Miller Fund
Dakota Murphy Scholarship Fund
Anita L. Osterman Fund
Paris Family Charitable Fund
Paulsen Family Scholarship Fund
Arlene & Al Pugno Scholarship Fund
George and Norma Purvis Donor Advised Fund
Jane and Norm Reath Designated for Fremont Area District Library Fund
Charles Reefman Scholarship Fund
Reeman Christian Reformed Church Endowment Fund
Carla A. Roberts Fund
Susan Rosenberg Memorial for the benefit of Fremont Christian School Fund
John K. Rottier Fund
Marian Rumsey for Fremont Area District Library Fund
Norma Schuiteman Fund
Second Christian Reformed Church Endowment Fund
Clarence “Bud” Somers Scholarship Fund
St. Michael Church Fund
Peggie L. Stone Fund
Roger, Ada, and Jon Sutton Scholarship Fund
Richard & Carole Tompkins Scholarship Fund
Trinity Christian Reformed Church of Fremont Fund
Troop 139, Vern Denison & Bob Lindsey Boy Scout Campership Fund
Roger and Rebecca Tuuk Advised Fund
George and Jane Vogel Fund
Lon Vredeveld Fund
Doyon and Vyvyan Pollock Fund
Dale Wheater and Riley Klingel Memorial Fund
Charles and Marilee Whitman Fund for Fremont United Methodist Church
Wesley L. and David J. Zerlaut Memorial Scholarship Fund
Greg and Chris Zerlaut Family Fund


Jerry and Jane Arends Scholarship Fund
Ashland-Grant Fire District Endowment Fund
Ashland-Grant Fire District Flexible Fund
Berger Family Scholarship Fund
Norie McKinlay Brown Memorial Fund
Leatrice Brydges Memorial Fund
Kenneth and Pauline Bull Fund
Janet R. Caldwell Fund
Elizabeth “Ibby” Cave Scholarship Fund
Chesley Family Scholarship
David R. Christensen Memorial Scholarship Fund
City of Grant Fund
Grant Area District Library Fund
Grant Christian School Fund
Grant Community Church Fund
Grant Elementary School Educational Fund
Grant Public Schools Fund
Horrisberger Family Scholarship Fund
Emily Jane Jensen Scholarship Fund
Duane and Jennifer Jones Scholarship Fund
A.J. and Carolyn McKinley Scholarship Fund
Brianna Joy Nelson Scholarship Fund
Dillan Potter-Zimmerman Memorial Fund
David and Lynne Robinson Family Scholarship Fund
Robin and Terry Sharp Leadership and Academic Scholarship Fund
Robin and Terry Sharp Advised Fund
Kay Stone Fund for Grant Area District Library
Stuart and Kay Stone Scholarship Fund
Dan and Jackie Tellkamp Fund
Russell VanSingel Memorial Fund
VanWylen Educational Scholarship Fund
Don and Marsha Van Singel Fund
Mary Williams Memorial Fund
Cheri Wood “Kids Come First” Scholarship Fund


Mike and Theresa Anderson Scholarship Fund
Anna Mills Ashcroft Fund
Annie Laura Becker Fund
Perry Booher Hesperia Education Association Fund
William J. Branstrom for Hesperia Community Library Fund
John and Clara Dailey Scholarship Fund
Robert Gustine Memorial Fund
Charles W. Hazen Memorial Fund
Hesperia Community Library Fund
Hesperia Community Schools Fund
Hesperia Teachers’ Scholarship Fund
Dan and Eileen Homan Scholarship Fund
Todd and Tami Jacobs Family Fund
Max & Yvonne Lee Hesperia Athletic Field Complex Fund
Max & Yvonne Lee Scholarship Fund
Rudolph and Elizabeth Messner Family Fund
Nancy and Don Myers Scholarship Fund
Marian Rumsey for Hesperia Community Library Fund
Deborah A. Shaw Scholarship Fund
Verna and Leo Shaw Memorial Scholarship Fund
Smith Family for Hesperia Community Library Fund
Carl G. and Viola C. Smith Fund
Harold and Tous Smith Fund
Roger, Ada, and Jon Sutton Scholarship Fund
Dr. Jeffrey Thome Fund
Village of Hesperia Fund
White River Watershed Fund
Gary Woods Scholarship Fund


Doris Adama Memorial Scholarship Fund
Vivian Anderson Fund for Congregation United Church of Christ Fund
Berger Family Scholarship Fund
Jim and Karen Brouckman Scholarship Fund
Jim and Karen Brouckman Skilled Trades Scholarship Fund
Stephen and Eleanor Bryant Fund
Kenneth and Pauline Bull Fund
Chesley Family Scholarship
David R. Christensen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Class of 2008 Scholarship in Memory of Danny Staten
City of Newaygo Fund
Coville Endowment Fund
Jeff Cronk Scholarship Fund
Croton Township Causeway Boardwalk Fund
Croton Township Library Endowment Fund
Charles William Davidson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Marilyn Davis and Jane Bode Fowler Fund for Friends of the Newaygo Area District Library
T.R. and Bonnie Deur St. Bartholomew Church, Newaygo Building Fund
Raymond and Dorothy Frankowski Fund
Emma L. Graham Scholarship Fund
Larry M. and Adele L. Hansen Fund
Bill and Judy Johnson Scholarship Fund
Robert Johnson Advised Fund
William B. Leaver Scholarship Fund
William and Jeanne Leaver Donor Advised Fund
Richard D. Maurer Scholarship Fund
Rich and Kerriann Meeuwenberg Advised Fund
Sheryl Meyer Advised Fund
Newaygo Area District Library Fund
Newaygo County Day Care Corporation Fund
Newaygo First Responders Fund
Newaygo Public Schools Fund
Newaygo Public Schools Educational Advancement Advised Fund
Pickerel and Kimball Lakes Fund
Don and Deborah Powers Scholarship Fund
John and Ailene Pugno Community Fund for Newaygo Area District Library
Mike & Mary Reese Pumford Fund
Mary Shafer Fund
Lou and Angie Spletzer Memorial Scholarship Fund
VanWylen Educational Scholarship Fund
Richard L. Wilson Memorial Fund
Robert Wood Advised Fund

Northern Newaygo County

Big Jackson Public Schools Fund
Lilley Township Medical First Responders Endowment Fund
Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary Fund

White Cloud

Glen and Arah Beach Fund
Woody and Sue Bowman Fund
Kristy Auw Couch Memorial Scholarship Fund
City of White Cloud Fund
Richard A. and Phyllis J. Crandell Memorial Fund
Charles William Davidson Memorial Scholarship Fund
DeShano Family Scholarship Fund
A. Newton Dilley White River Fund
Doran A. and Margaret Stuthard Ditlow Scholarship Fund
Ronald Goldston Fund
Dr. Robert and Peggy Gunnell Fund
Retired Sheriff Robert Hart Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jimmy’s Kids Legacy Scholarship Fund
Hendrick Jones Scholarship Fund
Jack D. Jones Fund
Lou and Paula Meeuwenberg Fund
Joan L. Johnson Richards Scholarship Fund
Dave Ross Memorial Fund
Eric W. Rudert Scholarship Fund
Dr. Arthur R. Sanders Endowment for Inclusiveness and Diversity
Linda Shively Fund
Dale and Sue Twing Helping Hands Fund
Cindy Visser Fund for White Cloud Area Youth
White Cloud Community Library Fund
White Cloud Public Schools Fund
White Cloud Rotary Fund
White River Watershed Fund
White River Watershed Partnership Endowment Fund