Fremont Area Community Foundation hosted its annual Fall Donors Luncheon at the Heritage Museum of Newaygo County on September 24. Nearly 70 people attended the luncheon and heard updates on the Community Foundation’s work.

Shelly Kasprzycki, the Community Foundation’s president and CEO, provided a progress report on the organization’s strategic workplan. “We’ve created a legacy and it’s because of people like you,” said Kasprzycki.

Christopher Wren, Newaygo County administrator and Community Foundation trustee, spoke about the county’s work to increase access to transportation. “Day one, when I started and asked what’s the biggest challenge we’re facing, people said transportation,” said Wren.

In partnership with the Commission on Aging, there have been increases in vehicles, drivers, and dispatchers as well as in overall numbers of riders and trips. The county continues to explore additional options.

“We want to bring mobility to Newaygo County with equal access,” said Wren.

Updates on the Community Foundation’s Housing Partnership Fund were also shared with the group. The fund was launched with money approved by the Newaygo County Board of Commissioners and the Community Foundation’s Board and has so far awarded three rounds of grants for new housing across the county. Projects receiving funding will add an anticipated 100 housing units in Fremont, Grant, Hesperia, Newaygo, and White Cloud.

“Our grants are allowing builders to leverage other funding sources,” reported Lindsay Hager, vice president and chief philanthropy officer at the Community Foundation. “We have seen new housing units in areas that haven’t seen development in years.”

Following the updates, donors were invited to share their thoughts on top local priorities and the impact of the Community Foundation.