To be awarded to graduating seniors from Fremont High School and/or Hesperia High School

  • Applicants shall be recent graduates of Fremont High School or Hesperia High School
  • Applicants shall be seeking post-secondary education from a university, college, or skilled trades institution
  • Preference given to applicants with a “B” or “C” grade point average
  • Preference to applicants with financial need
  • Scholarship is a one-time, non-renewable scholarship

To be awarded to a graduate of Hesperia High School

  • Applicants shall have a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Applicants shall have participated in athletics

To be awarded to a senior from Hesperia High School

  • Preference is for award amount to be $1,000
  • Preference to students pursuing education
  • Secondary preference to students pursuing a vocational trade
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Exemplifies good citizenship and strong school spirit

To be awarded to graduating senior from Hesperia High School

  • For students pursuing further education and a postsecondary degree, credential, certificate, or apprenticeship
  • Financial need may be a consideration but is not a requirement
  • Preference to students attending Hesperia High School for four years
  • Preference to students that have demonstrated academic improvement during high school
  • Preference to students not receiving other scholarships
  • Preference to students who are not pursuing a four year degree

To be awarded to graduating high school seniors from Hesperia High School

  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Be involved in community and/or school activities
  • Demonstrate leadership ability

To be awarded to a graduate of Hesperia Community Schools

  • Preference to applicants pursuing a degree in culinary arts
  • If there is no qualifying applicant pursuing a culinary arts degree, preference to applicants pursuing a criminal justice degree
  • Preference to applicants with little or no other financial assistance

To be awarded to a graduating high school senior from Hesperia High School

  • Intend to pursue a career in education
  • Financial need alone shall not determine the award, but it may be considered

To be awarded to a graduating high school senior from Hesperia High School

  • Pursuing a degree in business or art
  • If there are no applicants in any given academic school year pursuing a degree in business or art, any graduating senior from Hesperia High School may apply for this scholarship as long as they have financial need

To be awarded to a graduating high school senior from Hesperia High School

  • GPA of 2.0-3.0
  • Must have been active in the athletic program in high school or as a participant in a sport, assistant to a coach, or interest in home economics

To be awarded to a graduating high school senior from Hesperia High School

  • Pursing a secondary education degree or any education degree
  • If no Hesperia graduating seniors are pursing an education degree, then any graduating senior from Hesperia High School may apply for this scholarship

To be awarded to a graduating senior from Hesperia High School

  • Demonstrated academic improvement from first half of school to second half of high school
  • Member of a Christian church